Seize a Unique Opportunity: A Prime Property Investment in NYC

Are you ready to make a lucrative investment in New York City real estate?

Today, we present an exceptional opportunity to invest in a 24-floor property located in a well-connected district, ripe for transformation. This building, currently on the market for $140 million, boasts modern features and amenities such as an around-the-clock concierge, upgraded elevators, high ceilings, and excellent natural light. It’s also equipped with high-speed data connectivity, providing optimal conditions for both residential and commercial use.

The significant highlight

This property is its eligibility for rezoning from office to residential use. This potential shift brings with it a dramatic potential increase in value, making it an appealing proposition for savvy investors. The building currently has an approximate 50% vacancy rate, and the net income is 2.8 million. The plan is to change the building’s designation from office to either hotel or residential use. The process of obtaining the necessary approvals and making the transition is expected to take approximately 2-3 years.

Delving into the financial aspect

This property investment, the owner is seeking a loan of 85 million for a 5-year term at an interest rate of 5.5%. This means that an investor could cover a significant portion of the purchase price via owner financing. The remainder can be financed through a bank loan or personal funds. The buyer will receive a loan of 55 million for a 3-year term.

Taking into account

All expenses related to the zone change, including the interest on the loans, the calculations are as follows: Total interest for 3 years, including the self-loan, is 36 million. Subtract 7 million in rental income (average). Add zone change cost, estimated to be between 1-2 million.

Considering the numbers provided are estimations and subject to variation, this venture has the potential for a magnificent flip. However, it is crucial for the potential buyer to conduct a thorough due diligence before proceeding with the investment.

With the compelling advantages of the owner’s financing offer and the potential for a substantial increase in value following a successful rezoning, this property represents an attractive investment opportunity in NYC’s bustling real estate market. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to invest in a property with immense potential for growth and profit.

Financial ItemAmount (in million)
Building Price$140
Owner's Loan$85
Buyer's Loan$55
Net Income - Estimation$2.8
Total Interest for 3 years - Estimation$36
Rental Income - Estimation$7
Zone Change Cost - Estimation$1 - $2

The average cost per square foot in New York City varied greatly depending on the neighborhood and the type of property (residential or commercial).

For residential properties, the cost could range from $500 to over $1,500 per square foot.

For commercial properties, the cost could range from $50 to over $300 per square foot.

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